Hussain Al Jassmi - Boshret Kheir | 2014 with Lyric| | حسين الجسمي - بشرة خير (فيديو كليب)

دي فركة كعب وهتعملها
di farket ka3b o hata3melha
This is an easy task, and you will do it
قصاد الدنيا هتقولها
U9ad eldonya hat2olha
To the world you will speak out
وخد بقى عهد تعدِلها
o 5od ba2a 3ahd ta3delha
And take an oath to make it better
سكتت كتير
sikit kteer
you have been quiet for too long

خَدِت ايه مصر بسكوتك
5adat eih Ma9r biskootak
What did Egypt gain from your silence
ماتستخسرش فيها صوتك
matesta5sarsh feeha 9otak
Do not you voice
بتكتب بكره بشروطك
bitiktib bukra bishroo6ak
Tomorrow, you will write it under your own conditions
دي بشرة خير
di bushrat 5air
this is a good tiding

قوم نادي ع الصعيدي وابن اخوك البورسعيدي والشباب لسكندراني اللمه دي لمة رجال
Oum nadi 3al 9a3eedi o ibn a5ook elbour sa3eedi wilshabab leskendrani el-lama di lamat regal
Go call out for the ‘9a3idi’ (from upper Egypt) and your nephew from ‘Port Said’ and the youth from ‘Alexandria’ for this is a gathering of men
ونا هاجي مع السوهاجي والقناوي والسيناوي والمحلاوي اللي ميه ميه والنوبه الجُمال
wana hagi ma3a elsohagi wil8eenawi wil seenawi wilma7alawi eli miya miya wilnoba elgomal
And I will come with those from ‘Sohag’ and ‘Qina’ and ‘Sinai’ and ‘El-Mahalla’ who are the best of the best, and the beautiful Nubians
ماتوصيش السوايسه الدنيا هايصه كده كده
matwa9eesh elsawaysa eldonya hay9a keda keda
No need to double check on the people from Suez, everything is now jumbled together
واللسماعلاويه ياما كادوا العدا
wil esma3alaweya yama kado el3eda
And the people from ‘Al Ismailiyyah’ who have been through a lot
كلمني ع الشراقوه واحنا ويا بعض اقوى
kalimna 3al shara2wa wi7na weya ba3’6 a2wa
Talk to me about the people from the East, and together we are stronger
واحنا ويا بعض اقوى
wi7na wya ba3’6 a2wa
And together we are stronger
وأملنا كبير
o amalna kibeer
And our hope is high

دي فركة كعب وهتعملها
di farket ka3b o hata3melha
This is an easy task, and you will do it
قصاد الدنيا هتقولها
U9ad eldonya hat2olha
To the world you will speak out
وخد بقى عهد تعدِلها
o 5od ba2a 3ahd ta3delha
And take an oath to make it better
سكتت كتير
sikit kteer
you have been quiet for too long

بحيري منوفي أو دمياطي
b7airi mnoufi aw dimya6i
The people from Beheira, Menofiya or Damietta
دول اقربلي من اخواتي
dol a2rabli min e5wati
Those people are closer to me than my brothers
حلايب أهل وقرايب
7alayeb ahl o arayeb
They are all brothers, family, and friends
ناديلهم رووح
nadeelhom roo7
go call out for them
واكتر حاجه فيها ميزه
o aktar 7aga feeha meeza
And the thing that stands out most
نشوف حبايبنا في الجيزه
nshouf 7abayebna fil Geeza
Is for us to see our beloved ones from Giza
يا مرحب ألف خطوه عزيزه
ya mar7ab alf 5a6wa 3azeeza
Oh greetings with a thousand paces
بناس مطرووح
binas ma6roo7
towards the people

Hussain Al Jassmi - Boshret Kheir | 2014 with Lyric| | حسين الجسمي - بشرة خير (فيديو كليب)  Hussain Al Jassmi - Boshret Kheir | 2014 with Lyric|  | حسين الجسمي - بشرة خير (فيديو كليب) Reviewed by Umair Shahzad on March 04, 2017 Rating: 5

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