Best Funny Video of 2k16

Funny is what happens when a person encounters something in some form which makes them feel better about themselves, often involving an indirect comparison of themselves, in a positive light, to other people. Thus, by simple logical process, they reassure themselves that they are not complete irredeemable idiots after all, or at least not as much as the other people to which they are comparing themselves. The more miserable a person is, the less they will find funny, and the more others will find them funny. In a similar vein, the more simple-minded a person is, the more simple things need to be to be considered funny. Merely recognizing a quote or even a single word or name, for instance, will make some particularly inferior specimens dissolve into helpless laughter, whereas the more astute must make no less than four overarching connections to a subtle but universal theme to so much as crack a smile.

Even the happiest people in the world are capable of encountering things that make themselves feel better about themselves. For them, these are usually things that help explain just why they are in fact so just fine and dandy when anyone not seriously messed up in the head should indeed be completely miserable in such a pathetic existence as this. The only people who cannot understand funny are those fully at peace with themselves and their position in the universe, and who are already entirely certain of themselves that they are in fact better than everyone else. Such individuals are commonly referred to as computers, and alternately, deeply spiritual people.Anyone strange, odd, or otherwise abnormal can be described as funny, not unlike how a mouldy piece of bread would be said to have gone funny. This synonymity with badness only makes the funniness of the situation more pronounced, for those who are less strange are less bad and thus more better.

The strange, such as those with physical and emotional dependencies, those with substantial deficiencies, and those with things generally wrong with them, are funny simply for what they are - publicly wrong. These people exhibit themselves like nudists, who are well-known for their inability to wear clothes and otherwise embrace modern civilization, putting their wrongness out in the open for any and all of the less wrong to mock into submission, which they do. In doing so, the mockers invariably feel much better about themselves, because unlike the nudists, mimes, bums, and people convinced they are squirrels who publicly humiliate themselves, the rest of society knows better. And so they mock, and keep their own wrongness safely closeted away, instead only bringing out the ducks in the confines of their showers.

Best Funny Video of 2k16 Best Funny Video of 2k16 Reviewed by Umair Shahzad on July 30, 2016 Rating: 5

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