Reduce Belly Fat at HOME without any Cost

     Are you finding it difficult to fit into your little black number? Is belly fat giving you sleepless nights? If your answer is yes, you need to make some lifestyle changes to get the figure of your dreams. No doubt, belly fat looks aesthetically displeasing. It can assume serious proportions and affect long term health, if not curbed at the right time.

     Dieting and exercise go hand in hand. If you thought that only dieting will burn your belly fat, you are wrong. If you really want to lose weight, you need to include an hour of exercise in your daily routine for targeting and reducing belly fat. Here, we have compiled a list of 16 exercises that can help you reduce belly fat faster than you thought it would take.

  1. Crunches
  2. Twist Crunches
  3. Side Crunch
  4. Reverse Crunches
  5. Vertical Leg Crunch
  6. Bicycle Exercise
  7. Lunge Twist
  8. Rolling Plank Exercise
  9. The Stomach Vacuum
  10. Captain’s Chair
  11. Walking
  12. Running
  13. Jogging
  14. Cycling
  15. Swimming

     With the fast-paced lifestyle and multi-tasking becoming a routine, dependability on packaged food and lack of exercise has almost become a norm. More and more people today are giving up on exercise, either due to lack of time or other reasons. While this may not affect everyone the same way, there are many who can see the difference pretty soon, especially around their waist.   Everyone wants to reduce fat from some or other part of the body. And the most common problem area is the tummy.

     Here are 6 tips to keep in mind while you’re worrying about your belly fat:
  1.  Before you target your tummy fat, try to lose the extra fat around your abs by doing cardiovascular exercises that engage multiple muscles. Try circuit training that burns higher amount of calories in a shorter period.
  2.  There is no such thing as spot reduction when you have a lot of weight to lose. Instead, try to lose some weight, and once you are thin enough, focus on particular areas to get better results.
  3.  Get more sleep. If you’re not getting enough sleep and only concentrating on the exercises, you’ll end up over-exhausting yourself. This will do more harm than good. You will end up eating more to fight the lethargic feeling. Try to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep per night in order to win in the fight against belly fat.
  4.  Eat less sugar and calories. Belly fat is easily reduced with a controlled diet. Try to include more protein and fiber rich vegetables that will keep you full for longer, resulting in less snacking between meals.
  5. Drink more water as this will keep you satiated and will prevent you from mistaking thirst for hunger.
  6. Eat more fat to burn more fat. Consuming healthy fats actually help your body to burn the unwanted fat. Stock up on healthy fats like healthy oil and fish.

  1.  Oatmeal: There is still much debate whether it’s good for you or not. But the fact is that oatmeal tastes great and it keeps you fuller for so much longer than any other food. It’s also filled with fiber. Make sure to opt for plain oats rather than the flavored kind, as the latter is filled with artificial flavoring and sugar.
  2. Almonds: These are rich in mono-saturated fat and contain Vitamin E. Together they combat belly fat and help reduce cholesterol.
  3. Olive Oil: Whenever you’re cooking, try to include more olive oil. The hormones present in olive oil trick your brain into thinking that your stomach is full. You could even try consuming a tablespoon of olive oil 15-20 minutes before your dinner in order to eat less.
  4. Green vegetable: Including green vegetables, like kale, lettuce and spinach during your lunch and snack time, in order to feel fuller for longer and to prevent yourself from going in for something unhealthy.
  5. Dark chocolate: It is filled with zinc and other goodness that help increase body’s satiety levels. Just make sure that you are getting the kind that is low in sugar and is NOT milk chocolate.
  6. Less salt: Stop adding extra salt to your foods. Try and add less salt while cooking. Consuming more salt can make your body retain water and bloat up your stomach.
  7. Avocado: This fruit is filled with MUFA and contains high levels of beta-sitosterol that help to fight belly fat. Try to include more of this fruit in your breakfast and in your salads to stock upon its benefits.
  8. Banana: It helps your body get rid of excess water. The extra amount of potassium that your body gets helps you rebalance the sodium amount. It also helps flush out extra fluid, thus reducing the bloated tummy.
  9. Yoghurt: Eating normal yoghurt or Greek yoghurt promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in our belly and eliminates all bacteria and other issues that cause bloating, thus giving you a flatter stomach.
  10. Berries: They are fiber rich and are a great slim-down snack. The antioxidants present in berries improve blood flow and help you lose more belly fat.
The best way to reduce belly fat and to improve overall fitness is to keep an eye on what you eat. Plan your meals beforehand and try cooking them yourself. Eat your fill but make sure you don’t overeat. The best time to stop eating is when you’re feeling almost full and just a little pang of hunger is left.

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Reduce Belly Fat at HOME without any Cost Reduce Belly Fat at HOME without any Cost Reviewed by Umair Shahzad on March 18, 2017 Rating: 5


  1. major depression is persistent and can significantly interfere with a person's day to day existence. Behavior, thoughts, physical wellness, moods, and activity major depressive disorder levels may all be affected in varying degrees and the resulting disabilities can be very discouraging, especially for people who are generally happy and active.

  2. Awesome blog and really very helpful. You can also add on some yoga asanas which help in reduce the belly fat.


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